To all our mothers in our community – We hope you have a wonderful weekend where you feel very much loved and appreciated.

On this Mother's Day, we recognise there are additional demands being asked of our parents and carers, especially mums, who are supporting their children learning at home during this challenging time.
We thank and wish all of our mums, grandmothers and mother figures a very happy and peaceful Mother's Day.
"The gaze of the Mother, and the gaze of every mother. A world that looks to the future without a mother’s gaze is short-sighted. It may well increase its profits, but it will no longer see others as children. It will make money, but not for everyone. We will all dwell in the same house, but not as brothers and sisters. The human family is built upon mothers. A world in which maternal tenderness is dismissed as mere sentiment may be rich materially, but poor where the future is concerned." - Pope Francis
Andrew Colley
Good Shepherd Catholic School