Environment and Facilities
Good Shepherd Catholic Primary is a single stream school set in beautiful bush surroundings in the foothills of Kelmscott.
Check out our live solar generation page.
On 16 acres of bush property in the hills of Kelmscott, at Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School the children play with sticks, jump in puddles, make cubbies, climb over logs, dig in the mud and all the things that helicopter parents usually say no to. Research says it’s doing a world of good for their independence, learning, and mental and physical health.
Children who spent more time outside are generally inquisitive about the world, got along socially with each other, care more for our natural world, have improved coordination and balance, and are better at solving problems or coming up with games on their own.
Our children are happy when they spend more time outdoors, the immediate and long-term benefits for our students are undeniable.
Today’s naturally inquisitive students could become tomorrow’s environmental champions.